
Throughout the year there are many ways for family, friends and the larger community to help McNear's PTA reach our annual fundraising goal. Our PTA is very thoughtful and does not ask any individual to contribute beyond their means. We make sure to aim our fundraising at different groups throughout the year and provide a wide array of fun events for all. Please support us though one or many of the following campaigns, fundraisers or family events!  If you have any questions or want more details click the title and/or email


McNear Family Giving Campaign 

Families are encouraged to think thoughtfully about how much they are ale to give back to the school.  What do you love about McNear and it's many PTA funded programs?  What would our school be without these programs? How many children do you have at the school? Parents and caregivers can set up a monthly payments plan or contribute with one lump sum.  This campaign helps us jump start out fundraising for the school year.



These gatherings are unique experiences generously hosted by McNear families, all in the name of fundraising for our students. They are the perfect way to meet and reconnect with your fellow Falcons. Please check out the great events that our generous community has put together to help raise money for the school like Oktoberfest, Mom's Pool Party, and Poker nights! Tickets are sold on a first-come, first-serve basis to McNear families. More information about Falcon Festivities can be found here


This is McNear's largest fundraiser of the year and a fun community event.  Each fall, students reach out to the community to raise pledges from sponsors. More information about Move-A-Thon can be found here. Scheduled for October 2024! 


McNear Charity Poker Tournament!

Purchase a ticket by sending $50 to @Matt-Semmelhack via Venmo

• Saturday September 14th, 2024, 6:00 pm (arrive by 5:30pm early to socialize)
• 429 1st Street, Ste 110 in Petaluma.

More Info...



An adult only event scheduled for May 2025. More information will be posted as the details are finalized. 

Dine and Donate

It’s a simple set-up that businesses have come to love, because McNear is well known for coming out in droves. On a given day, patrons shop or eat at the designated business, and for each flier they receive, they donate a percentage of the sales back to the school. A list of upcoming events can be found here.


Do you shop at our local favorite Petaluma Market?  They are an eScrip merchant and your purchases give back to McNear! eScrip is fundraising made simple. Free to join, simple to use, nothing to track or sell - you simply fundraise every time you shop with your registered cards. Choose up to three organizations to support with your eScrip membership. 


Visit the eScrip website for a complete list of local stores that participate and use the Group ID – 137105849 to sign up with your phone number.