The PTA couldn't exist without volunteers. The PTA isn't just about fundraising, involvement in the PTA provides a platform for parents to collaborate with educators and work together towards creating a supportive and thriving educational environment for all students.


By participating in the PTA, you can contribute to making positive changes within the school community. Whether it's organizing events, advocating for better resources, or supporting educational initiatives, you have the opportunity to shape the school environment for the benefit of all students.


Joining a PTA committee provides an excellent platform to build meaningful connections with other parents, teachers, and school staff. These relationships can lead to a stronger sense of community, mutual support, and collaboration in achieving common goals.



ELAC (English Learner Advocacy Committee)

Garden Program

Environmental Literacy Program

Major Fundraising (Move-A-Thon and WISH Benefit)

MASC (McNear Art and Science Center) and Maker Space

McNear Spirit-Wear

Performing Arts Program


Teacher and Staff Appreciation

TIDE (Team for Inclusivity, Diversity, and Equity)




The PTA executive board is a committee of volunteers who work together for the welfare of the students, parents, teachers and faculty. This group is composed of officers, committee chairs and faculty as outlined in the bylaws. The PTA Board is nominated annually by the Association and positions are determined through a general election.  




The President leads the Board in setting strategic direction and budget. They are the public face of the PTA within the school community and serve as the official contact, communicator and representative of a PTA. The president presides over all Board and Association meetings. The work with other PTA leaders to connect families, school and community to support student success. They are responsible for the administration of the organization, such as providing information to the state PTA, and ensuring that compliance documents are submitted in a timely manner. Designated as an authorized signer for PTA checks, contracts and authorizations for payment. All PTAs are required to have a president in order to operate as a nonprofit organization.




The treasurer oversees all the PTA’s finances and maintains permanent records to track unit funds and financial transactions. This includes receiving incoming funds, paying expenses and monitoring the progress against the budget and against the current fiscal assets. Prepares reports for every board and association meeting and an annual financial report. Ensures taxes and reports required by PTA bylaws, insurance or federal and state governments are completed and submitted by the due dates. Chairs budget committee and prepares annual budget for adoption by the association. This role is designated as an authorized check signer for the organization. All PTAs are required to have a Treasurer in order to operate as a nonprofit organization.




The Secretary is responsible for recording the minutes of all Board and Association meetings, distributing those minutes to the president and members, approving new signatories on the bank accounts, and ensuring that motions, votes and other official business is executed properly. Maintains and preserves PTA records and important documents to pass on at the end of the term. As a non-check signer, co-signs formal papers with the president: authorizations for payment, resolutions and formal letters. All PTAs are required to have a Secretary in order to operate as a nonprofit organization.




The EVP serves as the primary aide to the president and performs the duties of the president in the absence or disability of that officer.  Helps lead a PTA towards specific goals consistent with PTA purposes and policies.  The EVP functions as a utility Board member, possibly leading committees and jumping in to lead initiatives. 




This role sets the strategic direction for fundraising outreach each year.  The VP also sets the budgetary goals and number of fundraisers each year to comply with PTA Bylaws.  They work as a project manager to make sure that the two major annual fundraisers are successful, one in the fall and one in the spring. Creates summary reports outlining income and expenses for the major fundraisers to present to the Board.  They recruit fundraising event committee chairs and other volunteers and manage the processes required to make them happen.




Building a large membership brings in revenue, adds to the funding available to the national and state level, and increases the sense of belonging and community, especially for new families. This role manages the Membership database, oversees memberships drives and provides membership reports to the Board.  They make sure that all corresponding fees are remitted to the 14th district by the Treasurer.  Annually, they also arrange the creation and distribution of the PTA directory for Association Members.



This role acts as an additional Board member to help make a quorum at each meeting. This role primarily captures, assembles and preserves records of activities and achievements of a PTA.  Collects volunteer hours for PTA meetings and events. Completes and submits the PTA Unit-Annual Historian Report to council/district PTA.  Displays or presents brief overview of PTA year at meeting near the end of the school year. 




This role is who is appointed by the president subject to the ratification of the executive board.  Assists the president to manage meetings and advises on parliamentary procedure.  Chairs Bylaws committee to review unit Bylaws each year and revise Bylaws every three years.  Arranges nominating committee’s first meeting, providing information on nomination and election process.




This role manages all budgetary items that fall under Classroom Support.  This includes Teacher Supply Fund and Closet, Field Trips, Camps and more.  This role has evolved into being the primary liaison between school staff and the PTA to have a single point of contact and build a strong relationship between the two.  This role is designated as an authorized check signer for the organization.  They manage their own checking account which is specific to managing Classroom Support expenses throughout the year.




This role leads, plans and organizes family engagement outreach, programs and activities for the school year.  Encourages parents to participate in school activities and advocates for opportunities to strengthen parent involvement in their children’s lives.  Works closely with the PTA, school and community to publicize activities and events through Parent Square, the PTA website, and printed fliers.  Is a resource to welcome new families, with information on the school and community resources.




This role manages the After School Enrichment program and offerings for students.  They work closely with school administration and instructors to create robust offerings to families throughout the school year. There are currently three sessions for the After School Enrichment Program, Fall, Winter and Spring.  




This role leads the Team for Inclusivity, Diversity, and Equity on campus.  With the goal that (DEI) be central to our work and used in our day-to-day decisions and actions. This includes reflecting on areas where the PTA has had successes and where it has had challenges when it comes to diversity, equity and inclusion.



This role is generally held by the school principal.  Although not an elected officer, serves in an advisory capacity with full voting privileges.



This role is nominated by the school faculty each year. Although not an elected officer, serves in an advisory capacity with full voting privileges.