On Thursday, November 9th McNear students will participate in the annual Move-A-Thon: a day full of movement, music, snacks, and school fun! Falcons will spend 30 minutes on the track jogging, hula hooping, jumping rope or participating in other movement activities. All students will be included in this community event in a way that supports their abilities. Donations to the Move-A-Thon will go directly to McNear to support crucial programming throughout the year. Thank you for helping to ensure that all students at McNear Elementary have the resources and opportunity to thrive!



Pledge Packets were sent home, extras are available in the office. The Move-A-Thon fundraising page is now live at https://pledgestar.com/mcnear Complete the registration and add your student(s) “falcons” to your page. Each family will have one page which makes donating easier! Donation pledges can be made “per minute” of activity or as a flat donation. In order to hit our goal and fund our programs, we encourage each student to aim at raising $200 or more in pledges.

Want to help out with Move-A-Thon or have questions? Email us at McNearJogAThon@gmail.com