Meeting began at 6:07 p.m.
Attendees: Jean Nelson, Laura Whalen, Robin Semmelhack, Marina Butler, Kara Sherrill, Josh Gove, Lisa Scheppelmann, Kara Harris, Freya Sharp, Kelly Floyd, Eric Wiessler, Dana Levandoski, Islam Elsedoudi, Ben Knudson, Jessie Feller, Kate Donnelly, Jessica Stauffer, Carrie Harrison, Carol Conforth, Erica Blaauw, Kristin Kohler, Emily Dean, Jen Hundley, Kathy Brew
- Approval of minutes from 10/7/24 Association meeting - Robin Semmelhack
- Laura Whalen moves to approve, Kara Sherrill seconds
- Treasurer’s report - Jean Nelson
- VIP Day - Robin Semmelhack
- Changed official name from “Elders’ Day” to be more inclusive
- Friday before Thanksgiving break
- 8:20 till morning recess
- Individual teachers will organize for their own classrooms
- Move-a-thon
- Over $70k raised so far
- Donations open till 11/15
- Why was it combined w/ Halloween?
- Decision was made to be easier on teachers, one day of distractions
- Recommend a survey to determine timing for next year
- School Dance
- May need to move date; Friday before break may be sparsely attended
- Pizza company from Bingo Night is willing to do another dine-and-donate
- DJ found; parent volunteering to do a light show
- Add to next month’s agenda for more discussion
- Room Parents
- Being organized by Natalie DeLyon
- All filled except one class
- Glide & Give
- New Petaluma ice rink fundraiser
- Date is 12/18
Meeting adjourned at 6:27 p.m.