McNear Elementary PTA  

Meeting Minutes 


September 11, 2023 (6:00-7:00 pm) 

MASC Room and Zoom


Begin meeting at 6:35 p.m. 


Attendees: Laura Whalen, Jeanne Grove, Heather Brooks, Robin Semmelhack, Melissa Becker, Jess Creach, Jeanne Grove, Jessie Feller, Benjamin Wallen, Laura Barron, Elaine, Jessica Morilla, Nick Morilla, Eirinie Carson, David Felix, Heather Luttrell, Brandy Dubs, Ally Squirrell, Brianna Schaffer, Ashley Oakley, Trathen Heckman, Katie Luciani, Liz Stanley, Erica Peters, Amanda Stupi, Jeanie Haslet, Mary Stratton, Rhiannon Lyon, Doug Walker, Freya Sharp, Jen Hundley, Kara Harris. 



  1. Approve Minutes from 8/26/23 Board meeting - Secretary
    1. Motion to approve minutes: Robin Semmelhack approved the meeting minutes and Heather Brooks seconded.
    2. Motion passes unanimously.
  2. Treasurer's report - Treasurer
    1. Treasurer Report for the period of 7/1/2023 through 8/31/2023
    2. Balance on Hand: $95,034.35
    3. Funds Not Belonging to PTA: $451.25
    4. Total Receipts: $6,700.01
    5. Total Disbursements: ($25,407.40)
    6. Checks Issued: 
      1. Main Checking 7121 (Checks Issued 5858 to 5869)
      2. TSF Checking 6011 (Checks Issued 4686 to 4687)
    7. Main goal of this year is to spend the money that we have budgeted for and not have carryover. 
  3. Announce new Board Members:
    1. Freya Sharp joined as Staff Representative and will join future PTA Board Meetings. 
    2. Kara Sherrill joined as Parliamentarian
    3. Jean Nelson has joined as Fundraising Chair
  4. PTA Mission and Goals for the 2023-2024 School Year
    1. Coming out of distance learning the goal of our PTA was building up our community.
    2. Robin Semmelhack shared that when the board came in after distance learning, we tried really hard to reinstate all the same programs as before. But this year we are realizing that we need to do things that reflect the community as we are now. What does our community want to support? How can we help you 🙂
    3. Community shared suggestions: 
      1. Family nights, bat nights, ice cream socials, game nights when people can come together.
      2. Getting to know you events.
      3. Regular events so families can plan.
      4. Communication with class families.
      5. Inclusion
      6. Field day by grade level.
      7. Childcare for things like back to school night.
      8.  Potluck event so lower cost on the school.
      9. Back to school BBQ.
  5. Fundraising Update
    1. Move A Thon, launching next week. 
      1. Students have an opportunity to raise money for activities they participate in on the blacktop.
      2. October 18th
    2. Bike to School
      1. October 4th 
    3. Next PTA meeting
      1. October 2nd
    4. Halloween 
      1. Day of party on October 31st
    5. Elder Day 
      1. Jessie Feller is organizing this year!
    6. ASE (Jessie Feller)
      1. We had 157 signups for after school enrichment programs
      2. Repeat sign ups from last year, but also new folks coming back
      3. Record number of scholarships for ASE
      4. Not every class is offered every season, so expect new ones in the future.
      5. Way to boost Marimba signups?
      6. Request for language class if possible 
  6. Membership Toolkit PTA website and platform
  1. Directory: new process now that we have the platform
  2. Families will receive the directory sooner this year.

Robin Semmelhack requesting folks email if they want to be involved in any way!

Meeting adjourn at 7:37