McNear Elementary PTA  

Meeting Minutes 

October 2, 2023 (6:30-7:30 pm) 

MASC Room and Zoom


Begin meeting at 6:35 p.m. 


Attendees: Laura Whalen, Jeanne Grove, Robin Semmelhack, Melissa Becker, Elaine, Jessica Morilla, Nick Morilla, Eirinie Carson, David Felix, Heather Luttrell, Brandy Dubs, Ally Squirrell, Amanda Stupi, Jeanie Haslet, Mary Stratton, Rhiannon Lyon, Doug Walker, Freya Sharp, Demi, Jessie Feller Hahn, Jeanne Grove, Marc, Kara Harris, Laura Barron, Leah, Ally Squirrell, Nick Luciani, Jess Creach, Palladino, Amanda, Liz Stanley, Marina Butler, Dave Felix, Alvarro, Mary, Jen Hundley, Mary Stratton, Marissa Bowman



  1. Approve Minutes from 9/11/23 Board meeting - Laura Whalen
    1. Motion to approve minutes: Robin Semmelhack approved the meeting minutes and Kara Sherrill seconded.
    2. Motion passes unanimously.
  2. Move-A-Thon- Jean Nelson
    1. We changed the date to November 9th (the Thursday before Veteran’s Day Holiday).
    2. Save the date and flyers are all ready to go!
    3. If you want to do music, decorations, snack, you can send an email to
    4. Jean can share the committee jobs with everyone so they can see times to sign up and volunteer .
  3. Cell Phone and social media- David Felix
    1. Cell phones/social media and mental health have been a major topic of concern.
    2. Dave encourages all parents to watch The Social Dilemma, a documentary on Netflix. 
    3. Dave is taking a temperature check  on whether this is of interest to PTA members and wants to set up an assembly. 
    4. Want to equip parents with tools and ways to understand what kids are doing on their devices
    5. Host facilitation with an expert for adults, but also maybe one for the kids
    6. Wait until the 8th grade campaign. 
  4. Class or Grade Adult Social Opportunity- Amanda Stupii 
    1. People expressed a need for connecting to other families in their grades
    2. Ideas:
      1. Grade or room adult
      2. PTA facilitates weekly or monthly events
      3. Falcon Flocks 2.0 (make it grade specific)
      4. Consider using WhatsApp or Facebook
      5. Freya: Teachers would love more help, so teachers want more help
      6. PTA facilitate an in-person meeting to get people on-boarded with a new application (make it ultimately parent-led)
  5. Walk and Roll Day on Wednesday
    1. Organizing a few bike trains
    2. Looking for adults to join any routes 

Meeting adjourn at 7:37