McNear Elementary PTA  

Meeting Minutes 

November 6, 2023 (6:30-7:30 pm) 

MASC Room and Zoom


Begin meeting at 6:35 p.m. 


Attendees: Laura Whalen, Jeanne Grove, Robin Semmelhack, Melissa Becker, Elaine, Jessica Morilla, Nick Morilla, Eirinie Carson, David Felix, Heather Luttrell, Brandy Dubs, Ally Squirrell, Amanda Stupi, Jeanie Haslet, Mary Stratton, Rhiannon Lyon, Doug Walker, Freya Sharp, Demi, Jessie Feller Hahn, Jeanne Grove, Marc, Kara Harris, Laura Barron, Leah, Ally Squirrell, Nick Luciani, Jess Creach, Palladino, Amanda, Liz Stanley, Marina Butler, Dave Felix, Alvarro, Mary, Jen Hundley, Mary Stratton, Marissa Bowman

  1. Approve Minutes from 10/02/23 Board meeting - Laura Whalen
    1. Motion to approve minutes: Robin Semmelhack approved the meeting minutes and Heather Brooks seconded.
    2. Motion passes unanimously.
  2. Move-A-Thon- Jean Nelson
    1. Currently at $43,000! 
    2. We need volunteers, there’s a signup sheet for the day of. 
    3. All kids start together and do a warm up dance. Begin with TK and Kindergarten, then they will do movement, have a snack break and cheer for their buddies. 1/3 grade, 2/4, then 5/6.  Colored shirts by grade (they look great!); starts in Kindergarten, by the time they get to 6th they should have accumulated all the colors.
    4. What can parents do as volunteers since the event is different now? Movement options are dancing, hulahoop, walking/running the track, cheering. Parents can just come and join and move their bodies and have fun.
    5. Competition is between grades for money raised.
    6. Goes on for one week after the event wraps.
    7. Currently at 50% participation (past years we were close to 75%)
    8. Brainstorm ways to do our final push before the event
  1. Social connection- Amanda Stupii
    1. Amanda Stupii is working on a Google Doc with Melissa Becker with helpful class info 
    2. Class adults ask from PTA and not from teachers
    3. Holding off on communication until after the Move-A-Thon
    4. Flocks: Marissa did some research about the best way to communicate, and it turns out Watsapp is the best option.
  2. Ask Me Anything
    1. ASE: When are the sessions? Fall, Winter, Spring!
    2. Is Move-A-Thon the only fundraiser? We can and should do other fundraisers throughout the year, but we want to stay focused on our goal on our Jog-A-Thon goal. Marina is taking over Wish, but it will be a little different.
    3. It’s hard to fundraise and pretend like you're not fundraising- so sometimes making the direct ask is nice.
    4. Different ways to fundraise is always a nice option.
    5. Now that the budget is visible on our website there is a lot more clarity/transparency.

Meeting adjourn at 7:37