McNear Elementary PTA  

Meeting Minutes 

December 4, 2023 (6:30-7:30 pm) 

MASC Room and Zoom


Begin meeting at 6:35 p.m. 


Attendees: Laura Whalen, Jeanne Grove, Robin Semmelhack, Melissa Becker, Jessica Morilla, Nick Morilla, Eirinie Carson, David Felix, Heather Luttrell, Brandy Dubs, Ally Squirrell, Amanda Stupi, Jeanie Haslet, Mary Stratton, Rhiannon Lyon, Doug Walker, Freya Sharp, Demi, Jessie Feller Hahn, Jeanne Grove, Marc, Kara Harris, Laura Barron, Leah, Ally Squirrell, Palladino, Amanda, Liz Stanley, Marina Butler, Dave Felix,

  1. Approve Minutes from 11/06/23 Board meeting - Laura Whalen
    1. Motion to approve minutes: Amanda Stupii approved the meeting minutes and Heather Brooks seconded.
    2. Motion passes unanimously.
  2. Move-A-Thon- Jean Nelson
    1. So far our Net is $54,222.93 based on cash received vs expenses
      1. Total Pledges: $65,866
      2. Pledgestar: $63,366
      3. Matching Donor : $2500
      4. Total Donations Received: $61,300.24
      5. Donations Invoiced Outstanding: $595
      6. Employer Matches Outstanding: $1401.25
      7. Matching Donor Outstanding : $2500
      8. Total Expenses: $7,077.31
      9. Outstanding Expenses: Sloth Visit, Color Run, Popsicle Party
    2. Kids had a great time! Special thanks to Heather for doing the numbers, Robin for doing the dance, and Nadia for doing graphics.
    3. Next year we will try to shorten the day.
    4. Maybe next year we do it on a Wednesday so it's a shorter loss of learning for students.
    5. Riahnon- can we do Wednesday since it’s a shorter day- all school at same time.
  3. PTA Budget meeting for fundraising and planning
    1. January 16th @6pm
    2. Review what’s been spent, what is coming down the road.
  4. Elder Day
    1. Really special day
    2. Elder/grandparent volunteer program program
    3. Let’s be inclusive- at Melissa’s last school there was a program where 20+ grandparents came every week.
    4. Growth in our community and way to get more volunteers

Meeting adjourn at 7:03