McNear Elementary PTA  

Meeting Minutes 

February 5, 2024 (5:30-6:30 pm) 



Begin meeting at 6:35 p.m. 


Attendees: Laura Whalen, Robin Semmelhack, Melissa Becker, Mary Stratton, Freya Sharp, Jeanne Grove, Liz Stanley, Marina Butler, Bill Walsh, Kara Sherrill, Josh Gove, Jen Hundley, Andrew Luek, Ashley Laskowski, Diana O’Neill, Kevin Kelley, Lisa Scheppelmann, Gant Bowman

  1. Introductions
  2. Approve Minutes from 12/6/2024 Association meeting - Laura Whalen
    1. Motion to approve minutes: Heather approved the meeting minutes and Robin Semmelhack seconded.
    2. Motion passes unanimously.
  3. Membership:
    1. Toolkit is live and available
    2. A reminder to register and go all the way through the process of signing up in order to see the membership toolkit.
    3. Falcon Flocks
      1. Flock is just your grade
      2. Another way to connect with families
      3. Send reminders to families about upcoming school events
      4. Whatsapp is the tool for getting set up.
  4. Safety- Melissa Becker and Bill Welch ( Northbay Security Group)
    1. Kid safety is very important, we take our safety plans very seriously
    2. District has a packet that every staff member receives at the start of the school and then everything we are going to 
    3. We don't distribute the plan so that this information can’t be used against the school
    4. During the staff meetings, safety is discussed and a plan is put in place so that everyone knows who the point person is 
    5. Drills are every month
    6. Practice what we are going to do if there is an emergency.
    7. Main instruction for KIDS is to follow the instruction of an adult.
    8. Kids are silent when we go outside for any drill- important for it to be a serious practice. 
    9. Most likely thing that will happen in California is an earthquake, so that's the drill that we prepare most for. 
    10. Lockdown vs Shelter in place 
      1. Lockdown is when all the lights are off and kids are spread out. Shelter in Place is when everyone stays in their spot, but lights stay on and kids can use the bathroom etc. if needed. Don't do a lockdown with elementary age kids, but it's very traumatic for young kids and staff 
      2. Disaster drill: gas explosion, earthquake, fire, etc. 
      3. Staff training for de escalation techniques, protocols, etc. 
      4. All schools in Petaluma are doing the same thing so that means everyone is on the same page.
    11. Q&A with Bill and Melissa

Meeting adjourn at 7:45