Begin meeting at 6:35 p.m. 


Attendees: Laura Whalen, Robin Semmelhack, Melissa Becker, Mary Stratton, Freya Sharp, Jeanne Grove, Liz Stanley, Marina Butler, Bill Walsh, Kara Sherrill, Josh Gove, Jen Hundley, Andrew Luek, Ashley Laskowski, Diana O’Neill, Kevin Kelley, Lisa Scheppelmann, Gant Bowman, Palladino, Steve Gordon, Jess Creach.

  1. Introductions
  2. Approve Minutes from 2/5/2024 Association meeting - Laura Whalen
    1. Heather moves to approve the minutes, Robin Semmelhack seconds.
    2. Minutes are approved.
  3. Safety Information
    1. Melissa Becker wanted to open up a brainstorm discussion about how to involve more parents in safety demonstrations at school. 
    2. Concern is that if there is ever an emergency, there are not enough parents reading the ParentSquare notices. 
    3. If you are in a crisis, parents are not reading the rules and following the protocols to make it safe.
    4. People read more messages from teachers, so maybe if the message is coming from the teacher the message will get through better. 
    5. Falcon Flocks, room parent, a fridge magnet or printout/summary sheet?
  4. Events
    1. How can we better support families for the remaining events of the year?
    2. A lot involved in planning and articulating events, so we are trying to make it easier for the planning committee to organize. 
    3. Julia Robertson made a spreadsheet
    4. Upcoming events are PJ Bingo, Cardboard challenge, Ability Awareness Day, Dia Del Nino. Main concept is that one person is going to commit to an event every year and make the event their own. 
    5. We want to be more organized for next year so we don't feel so reactive for each event.
    6. Next year’s Community Events chair could coordinate all the volunteers.  
    7. Laura Barron shared more information and background on Dia Del Nino and what that event will look like this year. 
  5. Library update from Melissa
    1. Mural around the library from a McNear parent- edgy, fun, creative ideas.
    2. Sound garden implementation from another parent with chimes and a smell garden. Really focused on making the library and campus a place where children and parents want to hang out. On the ground, we should do engraved bricks that families can invest in to fundraise. 
    3. A sensory room for sensitive kids would be great- Amanda Stupii going to run with it. 
  6. Board Elections coming up- All positions will be available for people to volunteer. 
    1. Board positions and chair positions
    2. They are up for grabs not because people are running away from them, but because every year they are available for new members. 
    3. We will send more information out via parentsquare.
  7. WISH- Marina Butler
    1. WISH fundraiser is coming up on May 11th.
    2. Open bar, taco truck, music, paddle pledge
    3. Looking for volunteers (day of setup, truck borrowing, etc.) If you want to help email Marina.
    4. Will send out a signup genius for volunteers.
    5. Tickets will be available after Spring Break. 
    6. 100 people max, so get tickets early!
  8. March Fundraisers:
    1. 3/1 Read Across America Day
    2. 3/1 Spirit Wear Sales 1:50-3:00pm
    3. 3/4 PTA Meeting 6:30-7:30pm
    4. 3/12 Habit Burger Dine & Donate 4:00 -9:00pm
    5. 3/14 Disco Bingo 6:00-7:00 pm
    6. 3/14 MASC Meeting 6:30-7:30 pm
    7. 3/22 Skate & Donate 5:30-7:30pm

Meeting adjourn at 7:45 PM