McNear Elementary PTA  

Meeting Minutes 

April 1, 2024 (6:30-7:30 pm) 



Begin meeting at 6:32 p.m. 


Attendees: Laura Whalen, Robin Semmelhack, Melissa Becker, Mary Stratton, Freya Sharp, Jeanne Grove, Liz Stanley, Marina Butler, Bill Walsh, Kara Sherrill, Josh Gove, Jen Hundley, Andrew Luek, Ashley Laskowski, Diana O’Neill, Kevin Kelley, Lisa Scheppelmann, Gant Bowman, Palladino, Steve Gordon, Jess Creach.

  1. Introductions
  2. Approve Minutes from 3/4/2024 Association meeting - Laura Whalen
    1. Heather Brooks moves to approve the minutes, Robin Semmelhack seconds.
    2. Minutes are approved.
  3. 2024/2025 Board Positions 
    1. Survey will go out to the community this week to see who is interested in PTA Board Positions and committees. We will be hosting elections at our next Board Meeting in May. 
  4. Community Building, cultural celebratory months and Events** / Melissa Becker
    1. We just had a group of teachers and staff attend a workshop at the Museum of Tolerance 
    2. The purpose of the visit was to discuss social justice with our students.
    3. Melissa would like to invite her colleagues who attended the workshop to present what they learned with parents during the next Association meeting.
  5. May PTA has been rescheduled 
    1. New PTA meeting will be May 13th at 6 PM so that we can have speakers.
    2. There was a scheduling issue with a school event.
  6. Digital Mental Health Survey- David Felix
    1. Survey went out to families about the state of student mental health as it relates to screens, social media, and digital use.  
    2. Find a facilitator and possibly a space before the end of the school year before the start of summer when there is so much digital/screen use. 
    3. Screen Sanity screening at McKinley on April 28th is open to anyone in the district. 
    4. Flyers will be helpful in getting the word out there.
    5. Looking for a facilitator, a space, and possible funding for that. 
    6. It could be multiple events since there are so many possible topics to explore. 
  7. Safe Streets Petaluma and D Street Bike lane - Dave Felix
    1. Bike train May 8th- anyone who wants to be involved please let us know. 
    2. Not a safe biking town, so Dave has been talking to people on the city council to make cross town biking safer!
    3. D Street will lose parking spots, so there has been contentious back and forth. 
    4. Making 5th street a green way is also on the docket. 
  8. Events
    1. Float for Butter and Eggs Day- need volunteers!
    2. If students want to walk in the Parade please let Melissa Becker know.
  9. Becker Updates:
    1. Funding/Attendance crisis right now
      1. People during Covid were told when they had a cold they should stay home
      2. When a student skips school, we lose $100 per day!
      3. When districts start losing a million dollars there is a huge funding issue
      4. This could be a topic for a themed PTA Association meeting so parents understand what is at risk.  
      5. There is a group of people who are taking kids out of school all the time and abusing the system. 
    2. Float for Butter and Eggs Day- need volunteers!
      1. Question from Zoom: do you need kids to walk or just make stuff for Butter and Eggs.
    3. We need a Garden Committee to vision board for the Garden.
      1. Outdoor library mural 
      2. Sound garden ideas
    4. Cardboard challenge and Dia Del Nino combined
      1. April 26th 
      2. Marimba players will be there
      3. If parents want to make something for the cardboard challenge they should! 
      4. Volunteers needed
    5. Bat Night on May 2nd
    6. Sloth is this Friday! 


  1. ASE registration opens tomorrow and MASC
    1. Announcement will go out tomorrow morning
    2. Ballet Folklorico kindergarten every year so we could perform at Dia Del Nino 
    3. Robin and Jessie will implement the program or at least try and kickstart it.


Meeting adjourn at 7:20 PM